Of Vipers and Men

by Françoise Serre Collet (writer), Ivan Ineich (preface), Fourmy Rudy (preface)
Collection: Beaux livres
september 2024
250 x 285 format 136 pages In stock
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More than other snakes, vipers are associated with symbols of evil and fear. Fascinating, they arouse the passion of collectors or inspire destructive hatred.

Found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, viperids, a group that includes viperines, crotalines and azemiopines, have in common the possession of venom and injector fangs known as solenoglyphs. Captured for the properties of their venom or killed for fear of being bitten, they have always been hunted down, as have rattlesnakes, the victims of roundups and massacres organised every year in several North American states. In contrast to these practices, researchers, associations and zoos are mobilising programmes to safeguard endangered species and maintain the balance of nature.

This book looks at the contrasting relationships between these animals and humans. As an antidote to fear and misunderstanding, Françoise Serre Collet advocates disseminating knowledge and passing on her experience so that naturalist observation does as little harm as possible to these snakes. More than 200 photos show the beauty of their species and the diversity of their habitats.

Table of contents


People and vipers

Introduction to the species

An evolving classification

Hated or revered animals

Why the fear?
Myths and religious beliefs

Seeing viperids in the wild

When can they be seen?

Where and how can they be seen?

In deserts and semi-deserts
In tropical forests
In the mountains
In the countryside
In aquatic environments and wetlands

Why look for viperids?

Carry out inventories
Take photographs

Venom that kills, venom that heals

A highly sophisticated venomous system

A complex cocktail with varied properties

The defensive and nutritional role of venom

The different sensory organs involved
Various techniques for hunting prey

Biting and envenomation

Human envenomations

What to do if bitten
Snakes as pets

Research into venom

Man, destroyer or protector

Rattlesnake raids

Viper hunters, a trade that was once widespread

The study of species and their conservation

From captivity to return to the wild
Action in favour of vipers
Questionable practices of terrarium hobbyists
Disseminating knowledge,
a passionate transmission



Iconographic credits


AFAS - Le 14/10/2024
Ce livre est "un plaidoyer pour le respect de la nature, et en particulier pour l’espèce la plus mal aimée du règne animal. D’un très bon niveau scientifique, il peut être lu par toute personne intéressée par les sciences de la vie et de la nature. "
>> Lire l'article

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Beaux livres

Published: 26 september 2024

Reference Hardback book: 02959

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02959NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02959EPB

EAN13 Hardback book: 9782759239221

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759239238

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759239245

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Hardback book: 250 x 285

Pages count Hardback book: 136

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 136

Weight (in grammes): 1005

Size: 287 MB (PDF), 24.3 MB (ePub)


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