Companion animals

Small stories and latest scientific findings to better understand our relationships with them

Collection: Hors Collection
january 2025
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For thousands of years, in diverse environments, humans have domesticated numerous animal species. Among them, dogs and cats, who provide us with company and other services, occupy a special place. In the long run, incredibly rich bonds have developed.

Scientists have historically refrained from presuming that human societies could be the result of human interactions with animals. Dogs, horses and rodents are used in an ever-increasing variety of human activities, from police detection to animal-assisted therapy. It implies that we need to better understand their feelings and, at long last, be concerned about their well-being. Ethology was developed as early as the 1940s in this purpose, but it was not until the 1990s that real interest was shown in understanding emotional expressions of animals.

Drawing on a wide range of studies, as science, attitudes and the law have evolved, the author explores our relationship with companion animals in all its mutual benefits and their complexities. She illustrates her points with reflections, short personal accounts and humorous feedbacks, making this wide-ranging book not only fascinating but also highly accessible.

Read the foreword from Dr Jeanne-Marie Bonnet-Garin

Table of contents

Preface by Jeanne-Marie Bonnet-Garin


Chapter 1 – Companion animal

Good company… or not

A company with a variable perimeter

Full members of human families

Proof by art

Good company … for who?

Tobby or not Tobby

Chapter 2- The long story of human relationships with companion animals

A few historical points

Dogs will be dogs

Shaping the races

The « Guess who ? » game

Undocumented dogs, racial profiling is an offence

At night, all cats are grey

The abuses of artificial selection

Chapitre 3 – The animal-human bound

The attachement, une fundamental notion

The concept of attachement as fundation of the animal-human bound

Bio-mecanisms of the animal-human bound

Dogs understand us, but we don't always understand them

Chapter 4 – The social bound

Is the pet-human relationship social ?

Loneliness companions

If dogs could speak…

Animals as quality of life index

Chapter 5 – Sharing emotions

Decode animal emotions

Dogs and cats, masters of the art of decoding facial expressions

What brain analysis reveals

Cognition and emotions go by pair

Emotional contagion

Chapter 6 – Break-ups

Consequences of a break-up

The death of the animal

Putting an animal to death

Learning to accept to break the bound

Consequences of impossible bounds

Building the bound again

Chapter 7 – The abusive bound

Loving animal, yes but ...

« Zoophilia », now « zoocriminality »

What psychiatrists say

From rumors to truth

Realities et fantasies

Abuses in veterinary medicine

Chapter 8 – The bound used in animal mediation

Three is easier than two

A horse to learn to find balance again

The choice of the animal

The anxiolytic and analgesic effect

Pets as a last resort

Effective yet controversial evidence

Animal assisted therapy and animal wellfare

Chapter 9 – Saving lives

The merit medal

A four-legged lab

Shit happens !



Useful websites

Bibliographic references


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 9 january 2025

Reference Book: 03000

Reference eBook [PDF]: 03000NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 03000EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759239689

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759239696

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759239702

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 140 x 205

Pages count Book: 152

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 152

Weight (in grammes): 190

Size: 4.61 MB (PDF), 479 KB (ePub)


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