Agriculture and climate change

Impacts, adaptation and mitigation

by Philippe Debaeke (editorial coordination), Nina Graveline (editorial coordination), Barbara Lacor (editorial coordination), Sylvain Pellerin (editorial coordination), David Renaudeau (editorial coordination), Eric Sauquet (editorial coordination)
Collection: Synthèses
march 2025
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Agriculture is facing many challenges. Among them, climate change is a major concern for the future of humanity, with implications for food security, the environment, biodiversity and health. Livestock breeding and farming practices are strongly affected by climate change and contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. There is therefore an urgent need to adapt crop and livestock systems to make them more resilient to climate trends and extreme events. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce emissions from the agricultural sector and increase carbon sequestration to mitigate longer-term climate impacts.
This book reviews the current state of knowledge on climate change and its impacts on water and soil in temperate regions. It then presents methods for analysing and anticipating the consequences for production and the functioning of sectors. It describes and quantifies the observed or foreseeable impacts for the main animal and plant sectors (field crops, pastures, vineyards, fruit trees). It describes how actors can be supported in designing, assessing and implementing adaptation solutions. Finally, it sheds light on the public policies implemented to address climate change.
This book is intended for researchers and students in higher education. It is an up-to-date reference for all actors in the agricultural sector and for public policy makers.

Table of contents


Jean-François Soussana


Philippe Debaeke, Nina Graveline, Barbara Lacor, Sylvain Pellerin, David Renaudeau, Éric Sauquet
Major impacts on agricultural production
Adaptation of agricultural systems and mitigation of their emissions
An updated reference on climate change issues in agriculture

Part 1 - Taking stock of climate change

Chapter 1. Overview of climate change in France

Jean-Michel Soubeyroux, Brigitte Dubuisson, Lola Corre, Mathieu Régimbeau, Iñaki García de Cortázar-Atauri
Present climate and trends in France
Evapotranspiration, water balance and soil drought
Future climate and projections of agroclimatic variables

Chapter 2. Water, Soil and Climate Change

Éric Sauquet, Annette Bérard, Claude Doussan, Yves Tramblay, Fabienne Rousset
Green water
Blue water

Part 2 - Methods for analysing and forecasting the impact of climate change on agriculture

Chapter 3: Indicators and observatories for identifying and understanding the impacts of climate change in France

Iñaki García de Cortázar-Atauri, Maël Aubry, Éric Ceschia, Isabelle Chuine, Dominique Courault, Carina Furusho-Percot, Marie Launay, Renan Le Roux
Phenology observations: A history of data and networks
Phenology observation data: indicators of climate change and biodiversity
Phenology modelling, or how to represent a complex process in a simple way
Agroclimatic indicators: synthetic information to characterize the impact of climate change
Ecoclimatic indicators: taking better account of phenology to characterize impacts
Some examples of services built using agroclimatic and ecoclimatic indicators

Chapter 4: Biophysical models for predicting climate change impacts on crops from local to global scales

Nicolas Guilpart, Erwan Personne, David Makowski
Types of models
Use of models to estimate climate change impacts

Chapter 5. Economic approaches to assess the impact of climate change on agriculture

Loïc Henry
Mechanistic approaches to impact assessment
Econometric approaches to impact assessment
Global economic modelling approaches

Part 3 - Observed and projected impacts of climate change on livestock and crops

Chapter 6: Observed and projected impacts of climate change on crops and grasslands

Philippe Debaeke, Jean-Louis Durand
Effects of climate change on the ecophysiological response of plants
Consequences for crop production and management
Implications for grassland production and management

Chapter 7: Observed and projected impacts of climate change on production sectors: the case of perennial crops (vines, fruit trees)

Nathalie Ollat, Bénédicte Quilot, Cornelis Van Leeuwen, Bénédicte Wenden
Harvest quality
Resilience in the face of severe constraints

Chapter 8. Plant health and climate change

Marie Launay, Marie-Odile Bancal, Nathalie Colbach, Sylvain Pincebourde, Tiphaine Vidal
The different concepts at the heart of plant health
Observed and expected impacts of climate change on pests and diseases
How can we study a phenomenon that has not yet occurred?

Chapter 9: Impacts of climate change on livestock farming

David Renaudeau, Hélène Gilbert, Anne Collin, Aurélie Vinet, Stephan Zientara
Vulnerability of the livestock sector to climate change
Impacts of climate change on livestock farming

Part 4 - Adapting agriculture to climate change

Chapter 10. Building a framework for analysis and action to adapt agriculture to climate change

Jean-Marc Touzard, Gabrielle Bouleau
Adaptation: from common usage to a scientific concept for agriculture in the face of climate change
Lessons learned from Accaf metaprogram projects

Chapter 11. Levers of adaptation to climate change in crop production

Philippe Debaeke, Jean-Louis Durand, Nathalie Ollat
Field crops
Pasture and meadows
Wine and fruit production

Chapter 12. Adapting livestock production to climate change

David Renaudeau, Jean-Christophe Bambou, Anne Collin, Luc Delaby, Jean-Luc Gourdine, Sylvie Lecollinet, Sandra Novak, Aurélie Vinet, Hélène Gilbert
Adaptation of general animal or herd behaviour
Adaptation strategies based on genetic leverage
Strategies to combat the emergence or re-emergence of new diseases
Redesigning livestock production systems to meet the challenges of climate change
Collective risk management mechanisms

Chapter 13. Supporting stakeholders in the agricultural world for adaptation to climate change: issues, positions, approaches

Nina Graveline, Laure Hossard, Jouanel Poulmarch, Jean-Marc Touzard
The different forms of support for adaptation
Support approaches through research
Illustration with three examples of support

Part 5 - Global approaches to climate change in agriculture

Chapter 14. Agriculture, greenhouse gas emissions and contribution to mitigation

Sylvain Pellerin
The agricultural sector, source and sink of greenhouse gases
Contribution of the agricultural sector to greenhouse gas emissions
Levers for reducing direct and indirect emissions of CH4 and N2O
Carbon sequestration in compartments with long residence times (soil and woody biomass)
Renewable energy production and substitution effects
Agroecological transition and greenhouse gas emissions
The link to food

Chapter 15. The relationship between climate change mitigation and adaptation

Thierry Caquet
Complementarity is necessary... but not systematic
Interactions between mitigation and adaptation in agriculture
From single levers to integrated approaches
The challenge: avoiding maladaptation and its consequences

Chapter 16. Public policies to mitigate and adapt French agriculture to climate change: between late agenda-setting and complex institutional marquetry

Marie Hrabanski, Bétina Boutroue, Gilles Massardier, Alban Thomas
The late adaptation of agriculture to climate change on the international, European and French agendas
Adaptation instruments in France: a few innovations and a lot of recycling
The complex institutional marquetry of French agricultural transition governance
The conclusion

Conclusion and outlook

Philippe Debaeke, Nina Graveline, Barbara Lacor, Sylvain Pellerin, David Renaudeau, Éric Sauquet

List of authors


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Synthèses

Published: 6 march 2025

Reference Book: 02986

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02986NUM

Reference eBook: 02986EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759240111

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759240128

EAN13 eBook: 9782759240135

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-4012-8

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 398

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 398

Size: 12.6 MB (PDF)


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