
Understanding their visible genetic diversity

by Michèle Tixier-Boichard (editorial coordination), Gérard Coquerelle (preface)
Collection: Savoir faire
march 2025
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Plumage color, comb shape, individual size or eggshell color... As early as the beginning of the XXth century, scientists identified the single-gene determinism of some visible traits that define the different chicken breeds. In 2004, the sequencing of the chicken genome revolutionized the study of domestication and breed genetic diversity, making it possible to reconstruct their history and precisely determine the genes responsible for visible traits. Today, molecular diagnostic tests can also be used to help interpret phenotypes, particularly in the case of crossbred animals.
Inspired by Gérard Coquerelle's book (Les poules. Diversité génétique visible, Inra, 2000), this book revisits the visible genetic diversity of hens, integrating the new knowledge provided by molecular genetics and addressing the mechanisms leading to the variations observed and to certain metabolic defects. It presents the fundamental principles of Mendelian genetics, uses pedagogical diagrams to explain interactions between genes themselves or with the environment, and describes over 30 genes used by breeders since the beginning of chicken domestication, well before knowing the genome.
This book is aimed at amateur or industrial breeders, teachers at general or agricultural high schools and researchers interested in the comparative genetics of birds and mammals.

Table of contents

Preface by Gérard Coquerelle

1. Chicken ancestors and domestication

Breed differentiation

2. Basic concepts

The cell, the carrier of genetic information
The chicken genome
Mendel's laws and molecular bases
Apparent deviations from Mendel's laws
How to identify the gene responsible for a phenotype?

3. Main genes affecting pigmentation

Preamble: summary of the physiological basis of pigmentation
Skin color
Plumage color
Main plumage patterns
Eye color
Eggshell color

4. Main genes affecting plumage morphology

Reminder of plumage development
Changes in feather distribution
Changes in feather growth
Changes in Feather structure

5. Main genes affecting the comb, skin and appendages

The comb
Genes affecting the uropygial gland
Genes affecting spurs
Genes affecting toe skin

6. Main genes affecting the skeleton or body size

Body size
Main genes affecting toes

7. Metabolic defects determined by single genes

Epilepsy, EPI locus
Balance abnormality, LOCO locus
Fishy taint in brown eggs, FM03 gene
Diabetes insipidus, DI locus
Lack of ovulation, RO locus


Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


Locus index in alphabetical order of symbols

Bibliographical references

The authors


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Savoir faire

Published: 13 march 2025

Reference Book: 02997

Reference eBook: 02997NUM

Reference eBook: 0997EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759240388

EAN13 eBook: 9782759240395

EAN13 eBook: 9782759240401

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 168

Pages count eBook: 168


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