Insecta coleoptera chironidae

by Jean-Bernard Huchet (writer)
january 2003
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The taxonomical study of the Coleoptera Chironidae of Madagascar is presented and illustrated. The principal publications concerning this family are reviewed, as well as previously presented hypotheses on the origin and biogeography of the Malagasy species. Recently Huchet (2000) reviewed the systematics of this family which resulted in the splitting of the genus Chiron Mac Leay, 1819 and two new genera and a new subgenus were described: Amphiceratodon Huchet, 2000, Theotimius (Theotimius) Huchet, 2000 et T. (Amaecylius) Huchet, 2000. Larval morphology of the genus Chiron is described and illustrated. A bilingual identification key to the genera and species of Malagasy Chironidae, as well as geographical distribution maps are presented.


Table of contents

9 Manifeste pour la Faune de Madagascar

13 Préface

16 Remerciements

17 Résumés


19 Introduction

20 Remarques taxonomiques et biogéographiques

21 Réflexions sur les origines du peuplement malgache

23 Origine des Chironidae

24 Matériel et méthodes

24 Matériel étudié

24 Observation des structures internes des genitalia

24 Étude des larves

25 Morphologie des adultes

25 Abréviations morphométriques

25 Localités malgaches et cartographie

25 Sigles employés



27 Famille des Chironidae

29 Morphologie larvaire

31 Parasites et phorétiques

32 Clé de détermination des genres et espèces malgaches

32 Key to malagasy genera and species

33 Genre Chiron

35 Chiron hovanus Fairmaire, 1901

37 Genre Theotimius

39 Sous-genre Amaecylius

39 Theotimius (Amaecylius) mahafalensis (Paulian, 1976)

41 Theotimius (Amaecylius) pauliani n. sp.

43 Theotimius (Amaecylius) pauliani n. sp. (english)

45 Theotimius (Amaecylius) macleayi n. sp.

47 Theotimius (Amaecylius) macleayi n. sp. (english)

48 Remarque


49, 52 Photos de stations et de biotopes

50 Carte du relief de Madagascar

51 Carte des divisions phytogéographiques de Madagascar

53 Bibliographie

59 Carte de répartition mondiale des Chironidae

61 Carte de répartition de Chiron hovanus Fairmaire à Madagascar

63 Carte de répartition de Theotimius Huchet à Madagascar

65 Planches

87 Index alphabétique des taxa

89 Points de vente et volumes déjà parus


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Published: 1 january 2003

Reference Book: CI894

Reference eBook [ePub]: CI894EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI894NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782876145252

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759213269

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759206711

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 185 x 270

Pages count Book: 92

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 92

Weight (in grammes): 348

Size: 9.41 MB (ePub), 41.8 MB (PDF)


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