Collection Synthèses

About collection

Publisher: Éditions Quae.

The Synthèses collection publishes scientific and technical reference works geared towards higher education staff, scientists and engineers. These syntheses and handbooks, overseen or written by recognized specialists in the field, cover a given subject in depth.
It follows on from the following collections: Mieux comprendre (Inra), Bilans et prospectives (Ifremer), Hors-série "revue Ingénieries-EauAgriculture" (Cemagref), Repères (Cirad), Un point sur... (Inra).
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Epigenetics Molecular mechanisms, developmental biology and environmental responses

Book 35,00 €

Creative transport infrastructure Better integrate them into ecosystems, landscapes and territories

Book 29,00 €

Ocean noise Maritime activities development and marine fauna protection

Book 30,00 € 21,00 € (-30%)

Zero pesticide A new research paradigm for a sustainable agriculture

Book 39,00 €

Fruit production in times of climate change Risks and opportunities in temperate regions

Book 36,00 € 25,20 € (-30%)

Durum wheat Knowledge synthesis for a sustainable sector

Book 49,90 €

Warning the population of flash floods Understanding and assessing a changing process

Johnny Douvinet

Book 45,00 € 18,00 € (-60%)

One health, une seule santé Théorie et pratique des approches intégrées de la santé

Book 79,00 €

Water in the farming sector Tools and methods for integrated and regional management

Book 39,00 €

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