Collection Guide pratique
About collection
Publisher: Éditions Quae.
The Guides pratiques collection includes illustrated handbooks and guides intended to transmit practical know-how applicable in the field, on specific, limited yet varied topics. These are field tools for use in identifying plants, pests and auxiliaries or diseases, in implementing techniques, etc.
It follows on from the following collections Guide technique du forestier méditerranéen français (Cemagref) and Techniques et pratiques (Inra).
Board Games for Agriculture and Landscape Conception, Design, Animation, Evaluation and Distribution
Book 32,00 €
Atlas of coniferous forests in France Multi-scale identification tool
Marie-Christine Trouy-Jacquemet
Book 26,00 €
Spatial Data Infrastructure Socio-economic evaluation: feedback, concepts and methods
Hélène Rey-Valette, Chady Jabbour, Pierre Maurel, Jean-Michel Salles
Book 25,00 €
Freshwater shrimp farming in Europe Eco-responsible practices for Macrobrachium rosenbergii
Book 25,00 €
Tropical timber atlas Technological characteristics and uses
Daniel Guibal, Sébastien Paradis, Jean-Claude Cerre
eBook 65,99 €
Insects and spidermites affecting vegetable crops in tropical humid regions Identification, bio-ecology and agro-ecological management
Philippe Ryckewaert, Béatrice Rhino
Book 32,00 €
Tropical timber atlas Technological charasteristics and uses
Daniel Guibal, Jean-Claude Cerre, Sébastien Paradis
Hardback book 95,00 €
Cetaceans of the World Systematic, Ethology, Biology, Ecology, Status
Book 35,00 €
Ile-de-France flora Identification Keys, Taxonomy and Status
Philippe Jauzein, Olivier Nawrot
Hardback book 129,00 €
Camargue An Ecosystem Between Land and Water
Book 29,00 € 11,60 € (-60%)