7 - Patrimoine biologique et chaînes alimentaires

by Jean-Claude Dauvin (editorial coordination)
december 2004
210 x 297 48 pages In stock
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In the Seine estuary, intertidal mudflats have been greatly reduced (< 30 km²) following channel management of the Seine river from Poses, in the upper part, to the sea. There are great differences between the biological compartments, ranging from areas with very high abundance of organisms (benthos on the muddy intertidal zone and, zooplankton in the lower part of the estuary) to areas with very low abundance (macrobenthos in the Seine river). There is also a contrast between the high abundance at the first levels of the trophic chain in a contaminated environment and the low abundance of fish. However, on the European scale, abundance in the Seine estuary remains high for young fish and birds, especially waders. In the future, global management of the estuary will be required to ensure the biological compartments current level of functioning and to propose measures for rehabilitation of migrating fish.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Ifremer

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Programme scientifique Seine-Aval

Published: 1 december 2004

Reference Booklet: SA0201

EAN13 Booklet: 9782844330765

Format (in mm) Booklet: 210 x 297

Pages count Booklet: 48

Weight (in grammes): 207


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