Peer review process


Editions Quae implement a peer review process for all manuscripts. This process can vary title by title depending on the needs of the proposal, but there is a basic standard framework. 

First, the Editorial Board analyzes the editing request. Once the manuscript is received, it is evaluated by the editorial office and an external evaluator. 

The decision to publish is based on the advice of the evaluators and the Editorial Board, the relevance of the project and the response from the author(s) to the review report.

As soon as the Editorial Board shows an interest in the manuscript and that it has been sent to review, the author commit her/himself to not submitting the manuscript to any other editor. 

Further information:
Learn more about our Editorial Committee

Quae has registered with DOAB PRISM the Peer Review Process for 1 Peer Review type:

  • What - What is being reviewed? Full text
  • Who - Who conducts the peer review? External peer reviewer
  • How - How - What is the level of anonymity? Single-anonymised
  • When - At what stage is the peer review being conducted? Pre-publication
  • Peer review is overseen by: Publisher

Les éditions Quæ remercient les évaluateurs scientifiques des manuscrits. Afin de mettre en valeur leur travail, figurent dans la liste ci-dessous les noms des relecteurs qui ont accepté d’y apparaître.

Stéphanie Auzoux Bordenave
Vincent Ballot
Rémi Barbier
Sabine Barles
Olivier Barreteau
Sylvie Baudino
Karen Bekaert
Philippe Billet
Gilles Bœuf
Pierre Boudry
François Bousquet
Alain Brauman
Gérard Brochoire
Nicola Cantoreggi
Martial Caroff
Patrick Caron
Raphaël Charles
Jean-Philippe Chippaux
Jérôme Cortat
Sylvain Dernat
Anne Dray
Antoine Doré
Jean-Louis Doucet
Élise Dufour
Yves Ehrhart
Anna Faucher
Stéphane Frioux
Danielle Galliano
Stella Gass
Oscar Gonzalez Rios
François Guerrier
Philippe Hamman
Dominique Hervé
Peter Hochet
Ivan Ineich
Philippe Jeandet
Claudine Junien
Joseph Kleinpeter
Guillaume de Lafontaine
Michel Lang
Raphaël Larrère
Romain Leclercq
Guilhem Lesaffre
Hubert Leprond
Yves Lespinasse
Ilana Lowy
Bernard Mallet
Gilles Martel
Pascal Marty
Claire Meunier
Raphaël Morera
François Moutou
Michel Moutounet
Julien Noël
Juliette Rouchier
Jean-Marie Sablayrolles
Aurélien Salle
Eric Sanchez
Jean-Louis Schlienger
Annik Schnitzler
Emmanuel Torquebiau
Sylvie Vanpeene
Jean-Philippe Venot
Bruno Ventelou
Nadine Vivier

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