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Delivery to Metropolitan France at only €0.01 for purchases of €35 or more, from Nov 12th to Dec 31st 2024
Publisher: Irstea.
Claire Oudot, Brian Pain, José Martinez
eBook 0,00 € (free)
Michel Lang, Denis Coeur, Sylvie Brochot, Robin Naudet
eBook 19,99 €
eBook 25,99 €
Florence Naaim-Bouvet, Mohamed Naïm
eBook 27,99 €
Fabrice Béline
Book 28,40 €
Claude Martin, Jacques Lavabre
Anne Rollet
Olivier Clément
Jean-Gabriel Wasson, Jean-René Malavoi, Laurence Maridet, Yves Souchon, Léna Paulin
Book 30,20 €
Jean-François Vigier
Book 32,50 €
Bernard Rivier
Sylvie Morardet
Jean-François Moal
Philippe Delcros
Book 42,50 €
Jean Ladier, Bénédicte Boisseau
Vincent Koulinski
Alain Vidal
Philippe Coussot