Establishing and Managing Waterpoints for Village Livestock

A Guide for Rural Extension Workers in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone

by André Teyssier (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 2001
145 x 206 format Download after purchase
4,99 €
145 x 206 format 82 pages Download after purchase
4,99 €
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This practical guide sets out to help agents from development organizations working in the Sahelian-Sudanic zone in their role as advisors to farming communities on setting up, funding and managing watering places. The method described was used as a reference by those in charge of the smallholder development and land management project conducted in northern Cameroon since 1994. It could also be of use to agents from other development bodies called upon to work in the field of water supplies in rangeland areas.


The French version of this book, Créer et gérer un point d'eau pour les troupeaux de son village, is available on our website.

La version française de ce titre, Créer et gérer un point d'eau pour les troupeaux de son village, est disponible sur notre site.

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Language(s): English

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 2001

Reference eBook [ePub]: CI798EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI798NUM

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759212262

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759207725

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 82

Size: 4.97 MB (ePub), 3.3 MB (PDF)


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