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Répertoire général des aliments T4

Vol. 4: Table of Mineral Composition

by Michel Lamand (writer), Jean-Claude Tressol (writer), Max Feinberg (writer), Jean-Claude Favier (writer), Jayne Ireland-Ripert (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 1995
155 x 240 format 226 pages Download after purchase
23,99 €
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The composition of 226 common food products (cereal products; dairy products and desserts; cheeses; meats, poultry and products; sea food; vegetables and legumes; fruits and nuts; beverages; dishes, soups and sauces) is given for each of the following minerals: sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium, iodine. This table is meant as a tool for the daily work of many professionals: nutritionists, dieticians, nutritional epidemiologists, teachers and scientists, as well as producers, transformers and distributors in the food industry.

Table of contents

Liste des aliments / List offoods Vil
1. Introduction Xi
2. Tables de Composition / Tables
Produits céréaliers Cereal products 1
Produits laitiers, oeufs et desserts .... Dairy products and desserts 9
Fromages Cheeses 16
Viandes, volailles, charcuterie Méats, poultry and products 32
Poissons et fruits de mer.... Sea food 48
Légumes, légumes secs Vegetables and légumes 61
Fruits, fruits secs Fruits and nuts 91
Boissons Beverages 105
Plats composés, soupes, sauces Dishes, soups, sauces 110
3. Annexe / Appendix
LanguaL : un langage international pour la description structurée des
aliments / an international language for the structured description of
foods 127
4. Index
Index des noms français 193
Food Index 197


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 1995

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01328NUM

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759205769

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 226

Size: 7.19 MB (PDF)


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