L'eau et l'Union européenne

A Guide on the Policy, its Implementation and Instruments

by Ivan Conesa Alcolea (writer), Mathieu Bousquet (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
december 2004
160 x 240 format Download after purchase
9,99 €
160 x 240 format 162 pages Download after purchase
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Environment in general and water in particular are horizontal subjects addressed by the traditional sector-related policies (industry, agriculture, economy, co-operation for development, health?) through prolific actions (legislative, policy making, financial incitement or support, research activities). Moreover, they are typically transboundary matters and concern every Member State of the European Union (EU). Therefore water has been a subject particularly dealt with by the Community, since the early 70's. This guide draws a synthesis of the EU water policy framework and its implementation through legislative and financial tools, focusing on the ones relative to research. It shows the different components of the water policy with their instruments and their structuring. This guide was designed for researchers dealing with water and willing to work in a Community framework. It is a tool to help them identifying appropriate project funding or supporting instruments (presented in card index with references to find further information), corresponding to their specialities or interests, among all the existing opportunities and which are not as well-known as Research and Technological Development Framework Programme or LIFE programme. Finally researchers may find in it the clues to build the arguments of their project proposals to be submitted to calls for tenders issued by the European Commission.

Table of contents

Chapitre I - L'eau et les politiques européennes
Chapitre II - Les instruments de mise en œuvre de la politique environnementale de l'Union européenne
Chapitre III - Les aspects réglementaires dans le domaine de l'eau
Chapitre IV - Les organes exécutifs et leurs outils de mise en œuvre
Chapitre V - Autres programmes, hors traité UE


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Ifremer

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 december 2004

Reference eBook [ePub]: OU0104EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: OU0104NUM

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759212019

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759202614

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 162

Size: 3.28 MB (ePub), 9.74 MB (PDF)


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