Water and research

Collection: Hors Collection
october 2004
[NR] In stock
38,00 €
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This DVD presents 13 short films about research conducted at Cemagref on water resources: understanding watersheds, water that falls and water that flows, evaluating flood risks, what to know about mud flows, testing the quality of river water, saving European sturgeon, restoring the free movement of migrating fish, reconciling development and life in rivers, modelling dam behaviour, managing agricultural water demand, grass to catch pesticides, wastewater plants for small communities, turmoil in a river.

Table of contents


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Lexique hydrologique pour l'ingénieur English, French, Armenian, Russian, Polish, Romanian and Arabic

Book 50,70 €


Language(s): French

Publisher: Irstea

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 10 october 2004

Reference DVD video: CF6458

EAN13 DVD video: 9782853626453

Format (in mm) DVD video: [NR]

Weight (in grammes): 24


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