On the Trail of Cold Water Corals in the Gulf of Gascony

Eight Geomorphological Maps at 1:100,000

Collection: Atlas & cartes
december 2012
159 x 240 In stock
50,00 €
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Unlike tropical corals, cold water corals do not need light and can develop at depth. The builder species like Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora occulata are found worldwide and are present from Norway to Greece as carbonated mounts or reefs. Threatened by changing environmental conditions and anthropogenic actions, cold water corals are currently classed as a vulnerable ecosystem by several international institutions. Indicators to measure the impact of fisheries and the effectiveness of protection measures in European waters are still missing.

The European CoralFISH project is designed to investigate the interaction between the coral, fish and fisheries using an ecosystem approach. One objective of this study is to characterise their habitats from the geological shapes of the sea bed.

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Sheet map 49,50 €


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Atlas & cartes

Published: 11 december 2012

Reference Sheet map: 02287

EAN13 Sheet map: 9782759216550

Format (in mm) Sheet map: 159 x 240

Weight (in grammes): 1035


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