Main pests and diseases of cotton in sub-saharan Africa

by Maurice Vaissayre (writer), Jean Cauquil (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 2000
120 x 210 format 60 pages In stock
15,50 €
120 x 210 format 60 pages Download after purchase
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This illustrated guide enables the rapid identification of the main cotton pests and diseases encountered in sub-Saharan Africa. Natural enemies are also described. Certain cropping incidents are also mentioned insofar as they might be confused with entomological or pathological disorders. Pests and diseases are classed in order of their occurrence in the cotton development cycle.


The French version of this book, Principaux ravageurs et maladies du cotonnier en Afrique au sud du Sahara, is available on our website.

La version française de ce titre, Principaux ravageurs et maladies du cotonnier en Afrique au sud du Sahara, est disponible sur notre site.

Table of contents

FOREWORD .................................................................... 5

INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 6


LEAF PESTS ............................................................. 8


(HOMOPTERA AND THYSANOPTERA) ........................... 14

MITES ................................................................. 20

BOLLWORMS ........................................................ 22

HETEROPTERA ........................................................32

BENEFICIALS .......................................................... 38

INSECT PATHOGENS ............................................... 42

COTTON DISEASES ................................................. 44


AND ACCIDENTS .................................................... 56

REFERENCES ......................................................... 60


More contents


Language(s): English

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 2000

Reference Book: CI789

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI789NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782876144163

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759206612

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 120 x 210

Pages count Book: 60

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 60

Weight (in grammes): 126

Size: 33.2 MB (PDF)


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