Surveillance de la qualité de l'environnement littoral

Proposal for better Coordination between Networks

by Marc Morel (editorial coordination)
Collection: Bilans & prospectives
december 2004
210 x 297 format 72 pages In stock
18,60 €
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There are many, diversified environmental quality monitoring networks on the French coastline. They involve several actors (Ifremer, Ddass, Cqel, water authorities), parameters (microbiology, phytoplankton, chemistry, biology, etc.) compartments (water, sediment, living matter), zonings (Quadrige, Sdage, recreational waters) and are located all along the coast. This document assesses current monitoring. On a series of colour maps, it positions the various existing networks and zonings and highlights the need for optimization and coordination of networks. This will require drawing up a geographic frame of reference recognized by all actors which will be the basis for a future geographic information system.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Ifremer

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Bilans & prospectives

Published: 1 december 2004

Reference Book: BP9903

EAN13 Book: 9782844330123

Format (in mm) Book: 210 x 297

Pages count Book: 72

Weight (in grammes): 235


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