Non-commercial Considerations in Agricultural Negotiations at the World Trade Organization (WTO)

january 2003
125 x 125 In stock
50,00 €
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"Non-commercial considerations" are also on the agenda for agricultural negotiations at WTO. They are the subject of heated debate between the organization's member countries and concern the various roles agriculture may play in society (food security, the environment, trade). Of the State, collective action or the market, which is capable of optimizing these roles at the lowest possible cost? This is the question at the centre of the debate. This CD-ROM sets out to shed light on the controversy by analysing two "non-commercial considerations": the multifunctionality of agriculture and food security.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Cirad

Co-publisher: Jardin Tropical

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Série Amphi, le portail de l'éducation

Published: 1 january 2003

Reference CD-ROM: CI891

EAN13 CD-ROM: 9782876145207

Format (in mm) CD-ROM: 125 x 125

Weight (in grammes): 22


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