Carte des formations superficielles sous-marines aux abords de Flamanville (Manche)

Echelle : 1/15 000 - Carte pliée

by Claude Augris (editorial coordination)
Collection: Atlas & cartes
may 2010
210 x 297 In stock
12,20 €
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The results may be used in economical field : fishery, coastal zone management ; in cultural field : help to "sea classes" or classes of secondary and high schools, and also in scientific field.

Table of contents


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Le domaine marin côtier du Pays basque (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) Morpho-bathymetric Map and Surface Deposit Map. Echelle : 1/20 000 - 4 cartes pliées + notice, sous pochette

Sheet map 49,50 €

Le domaine marin côtier du Pays basque (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) Morpho-bathymetric Map and Surface Deposit Map. Echelle : 1/20 000 - 4 cartes pliées + notice, sous pochette

Sheet map 49,50 €


Language(s): French

Publisher: Ifremer

Co-publisher: Université de Caen ; EDF

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Atlas & cartes

Published: 3 may 2010

Reference Sheet map: CA0501

EAN13 Sheet map: 9782844331380

Format (in mm) Sheet map: 210 x 297

Pages count Sheet map: 0

Weight (in grammes): 90


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