Etude des sédiments superficiels marins, des herbiers à phanérogames et des peuplements à Caulerpa taxifolia de Menton à Cap-d'Ail

Echelle : 1/7 500 - 3 cartes pliées ou à plat + notice, sous pochette

by Thomas Belsher (writer), Eric Houlgatte (writer)
Collection: Atlas & cartes
january 1997
210 x 297 In stock
54,10 €
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The accidental introduction and rapid spread of the tropical green algae Caulerpa taxifolia around Monaco have led Ifremer to conduct a study programme, since 1992, between Menton and Cap d'Ail. To better determine the impact of this species in the marine environment, a detailed bio-sedimentary map to a depth of 100 m was necessary, at a scale of 1 : 7500. Following a presentation of the geographical and physical context of the area studied, the research techniques implemented (side scan sonar, underwater video, aerial photographs, dives and sampling), a precise description of the nature of the different substrates and the distribution of the main benthic species is provided. Special attention was focused on studying phanerogame beds of Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa. The Caulerpa taxifolia populations were listed in bottom coverage percentage classes, for the period between October 1995 and October 1996.

Table of contents


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Le domaine marin côtier du Pays basque (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) Morpho-bathymetric Map and Surface Deposit Map. Echelle : 1/20 000 - 4 cartes pliées + notice, sous pochette

Sheet map 49,50 €


Language(s): French

Publisher: Ifremer

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Atlas & cartes

Published: 1 january 1997

Reference Sheet map: CA9802

EAN13 Sheet map: 9782905434876

Format (in mm) Sheet map: 210 x 297

Pages count Sheet map: 0

Weight (in grammes): 450


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