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Prendre soin de la nature ordinaire

by Catherine Mougenot (writer)
january 2003
150 x 230 format 230 pages In stock
36,50 €
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150 x 230 format 230 pages Download after purchase
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Parks and nature preserves have long been the only instruments available for protecting noteworthy natural sites and wildlife. Today the vital roles of industrial wastelands, trails, bocages, copses, ponds and meadows in nature conservation are also recognized. They are part of nature that must be cared for as well. For which projects? Using which procedures and with which expertise? The author tries to answer these questions in a work intended for researchers and students, sociologists and nature managers alike.

Table of contents

Remerciements 9
Introduction 11
De la nature sanctuaire à la nature ordinaire 11
Essai de sociologie modeste 17
Mettre en question les dualismes 19
S'intéresser à des processus 21
Raconter des histoires 22
S'interroger sur le statut de ces histoires 24
Plan du livre 26
1. Les PCDN ont une histoire 29
2. Produire une représentation de la nature ordinaire,
3. A la découverte du sentier-réseau 93
4. S'engager pour la biodiversité 123
5. De quelles natures sont ces histoires ? 143
6. Combiner, associer, faire des projets... 163
7. Comment prendre soin de la nature ordinaire ? 181
Épilogue 219
Références bibliographiques 223


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Published: 1 january 2003

Reference Book: 01483

Reference eBook [ePub]: 01483EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01483NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782738010452

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759214532

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759205325

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 150 x 230

Pages count Book: 230

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 230

Weight (in grammes): 400

Size: 3.91 MB (ePub), 12.6 MB (PDF)


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