Entomological research in Mediterranean forest ecosystems

by François Lieutier (editor), Driss Ghaioule (editor)
Collection: Science update
january 2005
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This book presents the state of the art in entomological research in various Mediterranean forest ecosystems in the world. Unique in its field, it fills an important gap in forest and Mediterranean entomology. It is composed of 4 main parts: overviews on research works; entomological biodiversity; life cycles and relations with host trees; survey and control of insect populations. Researchers, teachers and students in universities as well as forest managers will find in it ground for thinking and much recent information.

Table of contents

Preface - F. Lieutier & D. Ghaioule


List of contributors


Part 1 - Insects in the Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems

- Overview of entomological research concerning the forest ecosystems of the

northern rim of the Mediterranean Sea

- Overview of entomological research on the forest ecosystems of the regions

south of the Mediterranean Sea

- Overview on the entomological research in the Mediterranean forest

ecosystems of North and Central America

- Overview on the entomological research in the Mediterranean forest

ecosystems of South Africa

- Overview on the entomological research in the Mediterranean forest

ecosystems of New Zealand


Part 2 - Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems and Insect Biodiversity

- Overview of the arthropod fauna that colonises seed cones in the Mediterranean region

- Insect fauna of the Pinus nigra group in Italy

- Pest insects of cedars: Cedrus atlantica Manetti, C. libani A. Richard

and C. brevifolia Henry in the Mediterranean area


Part 3 - Life Cycles and Relations with Host Trees

- The life cycle of the pine processionary caterpillar in the bioclimatic conditions of a sub-Saharan region

- An evaluation of the radial growth losses of Atlas cedar following defoliation by Thaumetopoea bonjeani in the Belezma massif (Aurès, Algeria).

- Multiplication possibilities of an ecotype of the aphid Cedrobium laportei (Homoptera Lachnidae) on various provenances of the genus Cedrus.

- Initial data on the biology of Sphodroxia maroccana Ley (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae) and an estimation of the damage due to this new pest on cork-oak seedlings in the Mamora Forest (Morocco)



More contents


Language(s): English

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Science update

Published: 1 january 2005

Reference Book: 01520

Reference eBook [ePub]: 01520EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01520NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782738011947

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759212194

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759201303

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 276

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 276

Weight (in grammes): 507

Size: 10.4 MB (ePub), 6.83 MB (PDF)


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