Plantes des rizières de Camargue

by Pascal Marnotte (writer), Alain Carrara (writer), Estelle Dominati (writer), Fanny Girardot (writer)
Collection: Guide pratique
january 2005
145 x 250 format 260 pages In stock
22,30 €
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Camargue is an alluvial plain covering almost 150 000 hectares. It has been developed since ancient times, and is now a patchwork of particularly diverse, interlocking natural and artificial landscapes. This patchwork, which is often difficult to decipher at ground level, accounts for the very interesting fauna and flora in the region. An introduction to the natural landscapes and to rice cultivation in the region is followed by lavishly illustrated sheets on 178 plants that grow in the rice fields of Camargue: weeds among the rice plants, but also plants that grow on the embankments and bunds that rice growers build to facilitate water circulation and to enable themselves to move around their plots. This book will be a tool for rice growers faced with the problem of weeding their crop, but will also be of interest to a broad readership interested in nature and its wealth.

Table of contents



Les milieux naturels et leurs richesses

  • Une création récente
  • Une mosaïque de milieux naturels, héritage des accidents naturels
  • Les différents milieux naturels
  • La richesse de la faune et de la flore

La riziculture en Camargue : mise en valeur d’un milieu fragile

  • Le riz et la Camargue : une coexistence nécessaire
  • La diversité des activités

La flore du milieu rizicole

  • La flore des parcelles cultivées
  • La flore des bordures de parcelles
  • Les plantes par type

Fiche de description des espèces

Description des espèces

  • Monocotylédones
  • Dicotylédones
  • Autres espèces


Glossaire des termes botaniques et locaux




More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Guide pratique

Published: 1 january 2005

Reference Hardback book: CI948

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI948NUM

EAN13 Hardback book: 9782876146211

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759201440

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Hardback book: 145 x 250

Pages count Hardback book: 260

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 260

Weight (in grammes): 650

Size: 7.03 MB (PDF)


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