Natural landscapes and environment / Continental waters
Forests and climate change Understanding and modelizing the water balance of trees
François Courbet, Claude Doussan, Jean-Marc Limousin, Nicolas Martin-StPaul, Guillaume Simioni
Book 25,00 €
An anthropology of hydrologists Considering the interdisciplinary dialogue
Book 25,00 € 12,50 € (-50%)
Which Rivers for Tomorrow? Thoughts on the Ecology and Restoration of Water Courses
Book 36,00 €
Making surface water drinkable in West Africa Technical solutions adapted from the experience of the Senegal River valley
Khadim Diop , Frédéric Naulet , Ana Sanchez Riquelme, Mathieu Le Corre , Saskia Achouline
Book 19,00 €
Is dialogue profitable? Environment, conflicts and public participation
Book 35,00 €
Eutrophication Appearances, causes, consequences and predictability
Gilles Pinay, Chantal Gascuel, Alain Ménesguen, Yves Souchon, Morgane Le Moal, Alix Levain, Claire Etrillard, Florentina Moatar, Alexandrine Pannard, Philippe Souchu
Book 29,00 €
Guide des curiosités géologiques de France Fiches illustrées, 200 sites à découvrir
Book 25,00 €
Sanitation handbook Implementing a full, sustainable and appropriate sanitation service
Book 59,00 €