Quills and Brushes

Stories about Ducks

by Denis Chavigny (writer)
Collection: Beaux livres
august 2011
210 x 240 format 144 pages Download after purchase
9,99 €
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The book describes the life of waterfowl, more specifically European species of ducks and palmipeds, sometimes with a few trans-Atlantic birds which can be found in Europe. The author has selected about one hundred sketches out of twenty thousand to give the reader an insight into the morphology, grooming rituals, flying techniques, communication methods, environments, feeding and reproduction methods, life cycles and protection means of palmipeds. Adaptability is a particular trait of aquatic birds. Some species can even sleep on the wing! The seasons pass through these superbly-illustrated pages of this book and the history of these birds, sometimes secret, often unrecognised, is unveiled as an eye-witness account live from nature.

Table of contents





Des Histoires de Familles


Une gymnastique de tous les jours, la toilette


L’envol, de l’élégance aux acrobaties !


Donner de la voix, sonner l’alarme


A chacun son décor


Au menu ou à la carte, une affaire d’expérience


C’est le temps des danses et des parades


Au fil des saisons


Un avenir entre craintes et espoirs


Pour en savoir plus




More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Beaux livres

Published: 3 august 2011

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02244NUM

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759210299

Interior: Colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 144

Size: 22.6 MB (PDF)


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