Guide to Sheltered Vegetable Cultivation in the Humid Tropics

by Philippe Ryckewaert (writer), Christian Langlais (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 2000
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This guide, which is intended for agricultural technicians, presents the criteria for choosing shelters for use in tropical zones, open soil and soilless cropping techniques and the principles of integrated pest management. It goes on to describe cultivation of 9 main vegetable species: choice of varieties, cycle length, yields, water requirements, main pests and diseases. There are colour plates to help with identifying pests. A list of the products used for IPM, with recommendations for their use, is given in an annex.


The English version of this book, Guide to Sheltered Vegetable Cultivation in the Humid Tropics, is available on our website.

La version anglaise de ce titre, Guide to Sheltered Vegetable Cultivation in the Humid Tropics, est disponible sur notre site.

Table of contents

Partie I. Particularités de la culture sous abri
Les abris en zone tropicale humide
Besoins en eau des plantes cultivées sous abri
Installation de pépinières
La culture en pleine terre sous abri
Protection phytosanitaire : la lutte intégrée
Partie II Fiches techniques des espèces potagères
Cive rouge ou " oignon pays " (Allium fistulosum) 53
Concombre (Cucumis sativus L.) 55
Courgette (Curcubita pepo L.) 58
Fraise (Fragaria spp.) 60
Haricot vert (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 62
Laitue (Lactuca sativa L.) 64
Melon (Cucumis melo L.) 67
Poivron (Capsicum annuum L.) 71
Tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mil!.) 74
Annexe 1.
Annexe 2.
Annexe 3.


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 2000

Reference eBook [ePub]: CI792EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI792NUM

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759212866

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759208319

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 92

Size: 19.7 MB (ePub), 12.8 MB (PDF)


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