Les crustacés

by Olivier Barbaroux (writer), Jacques Patrois (writer), Daniel Latrouite (writer), Yvon Morizur (writer)
Collection: Artisans de la mer
june 2009
[NR] format 104 pages In stock
16,10 €
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Behind their rugged appearance, crustaceans hide great biological and behavioural complexity. Their rigid carapace does not prevent them from growing, they self-amputate to escape from predators, they can store sperm in a spermatheca and their lost appendages can grow back, all performances that mark their life cycle.
Their excellent taste has not gone unnoticed, and professional fishermen deploy a range of gear, trawls, nets and pots, to put them on our tables. All the crab, spiny lobster, lobster and Nephrop prawns produced come from fisheries. The same cannot be said for shrimp and prawns, since two-thirds of those consumed are farmed, mainly in the inter-tropical zone.
Derivatives of the chitin contained in their shell have exceptional chemical and biological properties suitable for a variety of promising industrial and medical uses.
The book describes the biology of various types of crustaceans, marine fisheries, storing and utilisation of these products and the range of their uses in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and other sectors. Several recipes from two renowned chefs are included at the end. With its colour photo illustrations, it will interest a very wide readership.

Table of contents

Biographies auteurs
Dans la même collection


La biologie des espèces
 Le saviez-vous ?
 De la mer à la table
La pêche maritime
 Un peu d'histoire …
 Homardiers et langoustiers
 La pêche aux casiers
 Manœuvre d'une filière à bord du Kelou Mad
 La pêche au filet
 La pêche au chalut
 Les flottilles françaises
 La pêche maritime de loisir
 La crevetticulture
 La tentation de l'aquaculture
 La Nouvelle-Calédonie
La valorisation
 Stockage et conditionnement
 Chitine et chitosane … une belle valorisation !
 Applications industrielles
 Applications médicales et pharmaceutiques
Côté cuisine
 Jacques Le Divellec, maître-cuisinier
 Jean-Marie Guilbaut, pour le plaisir de nos papilles


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Néva

Co-publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Artisans de la mer

Published: 5 june 2009

Reference Book: 02127

EAN13 Book: 9782350551241

Format (in mm) Book: [NR]

Pages count Book: 104

Weight (in grammes): 420


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