Stock recruitment and reference points

Assessment and Management of Atlantic Salmon

by Etienne Prévost (editor), Gérald Chaput (editor)
january 2001
160 x 240 format Download after purchase
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160 x 240 format 224 pages Download after purchase
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This book collects the available knowledge about the ecology of Atlantic salmon and contemporary stock assessment methods supporting the specific task of establishing reference points. Bayesian approaches for incorporating uncertainty are front and centre in the book. Stock and recruitment analysis methods, transport of reference points, risk analysis and use of index measures of abundance are presented in a format which can be readily understood and applied by scientists, educators, professionals and undergraduate students.

Table of contents

Introduction : Des points de référence pour améliorer la gestion d u saumon atlantique 9
Introduction: Référence points to improve Adantic salmon management
G. Chaput, E. Prévost. 17
Références 23
1. The relative role o f density in the stock-recruitment relationship o f salmonids
/ . Elliott 25
Introduction 25
Factors affecting variability in recruitment, carrying capacity and critical periods in the life cycle in salmonids 26
Density-dependent factors 32
Density-independent factors 44
The relative role of density-dependent and density-independent factors 50
Acknowledgments 55
References 55
2. Analysis o f stock-recruitment data for deriving escapement reference points
C. WalterSyf. Korman 67
Introduction 67
Being clear about what a SR relationship is 68
Simple functions to describe the mean SR relationship 70
Estimation procedures for SR relationships 73
Assessment o f uncertainty in policy parameter estimates 79
Common pitfalls in SR analysis 86
Acknowledgments 92
References 92
3. Transport o f stock-recruitment reference points for Atlantic salmon
E. Prévost, G. Chaput, E.M.P Chadwick 95
Introduction 95
Standardizing for river size 97
Transporting SR related parameters from a sample of rivers using a Bayesian hierarchical analysis 106 Checking for the adequacy o f the SR relationship derived from a single river ... 114
Critical review o f the approaches to the issue o f transport proposed in the literature 121
Acknowledgments 129
References 129
4. Index measures and stock assessment in Adantic salmon P.]. Rago 137
Introduction 137
Identification o f trends: LOWESS smoothing 140
Estimation and hypothesis testing: randomization tests 145
Structural smoothing: replacement ratio 152
Catch-index methods 161
Conclusions 171
Acknowledgments 172
References 172
5. Risk analysis for salmon spawning reference levels R Hilborn 177
Introduction 177
Alternative management actions 180
Calculating conséquences 182
Summarizing and transmitting to decision makers 189
What we have ignored 190
References 192
6. Past and present use of reference points for Atlantic salmon T. Potter 195
Introduction 195
Why use reference points? 196
Translating principles into numbers 200
Progress with setting spawning stock reference levels 209
Use of salmon stock reference levels in management 215
The future of reference points for Adantic salmon 218
Acknowledgments 219
Références 219


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Language(s): English

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hydrobiologie et aquaculture

Published: 1 january 2001

Reference eBook [ePub]: 01452EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01452NUM

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759215300

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759204823

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 224

Size: 8.92 MB (ePub), 14.6 MB (PDF)


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