Répertoire général des aliments T5

Vol. 5: Brand Name Foods

by Xavier Tanneau (writer), Max Feinberg (writer), Jayne Ireland-Ripert (writer), Jean-Claude Favier (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 1995
155 x 240 format 480 pages Download after purchase
39,99 €
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The food industry offers consumers an increasing number of products. Because their composition varies greatly from one brand to another, they are difficult to assimilate to generic products, which limits possibilities of comparison. Therefore the CIQUAL (Centre Informatique sur la Qualité des Aliments) has created a table of brand name products, in liaison with the Institut Français pour la Nutrition and the Association Nationale des Industries Alimentaires. The composition of 403 common food products is analysed for each of the following elements: metabolisable energy value, water, proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fibre, fatty acids, cholesterol, alcohol, minerals and vitamins. An essential tool for nutritionists, dieticians, nutritional epidemiologists, teachers and scientists as well as producers, transformers and distributors in the food industry.

Table of contents

Liste des aliments VII
1. Introduction XIII
2. Tables de Composition i 1
2.1. Céréales et dérivés 3
Céréales et boulangerie 5
Pâtisserie et biscuits 23
Céréales pour le petit déjeuner 67
2.2. Produits laitiers 95
2.3. Matières grasses 145
2.4. Fruits et légumes 155
2.5. Sucres et dérivés 169
2.6. Boissons 207
Boissons non alcoolisées 209
Boissons alcoolisées 233
2.7. Plats composés 271
2.8. Soupes 285
Potages en brique 287
Potages déshydratés, reconstitués 319
2.9. Condiments et sauces 381
3. Index 445


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 1995

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01353NUM

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759205776

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 480

Size: 13.6 MB (PDF)


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