Maladies des salades
Identification, Knowledge and Control
Catalogue des aphididae du monde Homoptera-Aphidoidea
Georges Remaudière, Marc Remaudière
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Le cerf et son élevage Feeding, Raising Practices and Pathology
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Language(s): French
Publisher: Inra
Edition: 1st edition
Collection: Techniques et pratiques
Published: 1 january 2003
Reference Hardback book: 01488
Reference eBook [PDF]: 01488NUM
EAN13 Hardback book: 9782738010575
EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759202447
Interior: Two-colour
Format (in mm) Hardback book: 220 x 290
Pages count Hardback book: 390
Pages count eBook [PDF]: 390
Weight (in grammes): 1695
Size: 95.1 MB (PDF)