Machinisme et bricolages

by Anne-Marie Guenin (writer)
may 2006
150 x 230 format Download after purchase
23,99 €
150 x 230 format 412 pages Download after purchase
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An inquiry and an ethnographical study of the technical inventiveness and creativity of farmers illustrated by the example of blackcurrant and cherry producers from two rural districts of Burgundy: Côte d'Or and Yonne. From the undue installation of a power steering kit, the development of an harvesting device for raspberry and blackcurrant berries, we discover original practices which are all based on makeshift solutions and defy the logics of high profitability. This study will help understand how many small and medium farms in France manage to survive.

Table of contents

- Introduction
- 1. Présentation de deux communautés
- 2. Évolution des systèmes de polyculture
- 3. Les systèmes de production
- 4. La mécanisation de l’entretien du substrat des ceriseraies
- 5. Modifications à des fins ergonomiques
- 6. Le râtelage motorisé des bois de taille du cerisier
- 7. Des machines à tailler les cassissiers à fruit
- 8. Adaptations de pulvérisateurs standard
- 9. De la machine à récolter les baies de cassis à la vendangeuse
- 10. Le bourgeon de cassis : des lacunes de consommation  à la sauvegarde d’un marché
- 11. Producteurs et agronomes
- Conclusion
- Annexes
- Bibliographie
- Index des notions
- Liste des illustrations


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Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Published: 31 may 2006

Reference eBook [ePub]: 01491EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01491NUM

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759213559

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759205318

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 412

Size: 18.6 MB (ePub), 22.6 MB (PDF)


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