Ultrasonography and reproduction in swine
Bases and Practical Applications
Françoise Martinat-Botté, Guy Renaud, Michel Terqui, François Madec, Patrick Costiou
Book 46,40 €
Language(s): French
Publisher: Inra
Edition: 1st edition
Published: 1 january 1998
Reference Book: 01368
Reference eBook [ePub]: 01368EPB
Reference eBook [PDF]: 01368NUM
EAN13 Book: 9782738007674
EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759212026
EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759205707
Interior: Two-colour
Format (in mm) Book: 210 x 297
Pages count Book: 104
Pages count eBook [PDF]: 104
Weight (in grammes): 490
Size: 24.9 MB (ePub), 20.5 MB (PDF)