Microscopie des plantes consommées par les animaux

by Joselyne Rech (writer)
Collection: Guide pratique
may 2011
140 x 245 format 312 pages In stock
38,00 €
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This guide suggests an original method of identifying plants ingested by animals. The author presents a method of observing fragments of a plant (leaf, seed, fruit, husk), unrecognisable with the naked eye or a magnifying glass, which are found in dung, the digestive contents of animals or commodities reduced to meal when manufacturing feed.
Identifying a plant species ingested by livestock, its potential toxicity for human food and animal feed its traceability in industrial food products are all applications and issues of this new approach.
The work includes a precise description and encoding of each characteristic observed. This is illustrated systematically for easy identification. The book features more than 150 pen and ink drawings by the author.

Table of contents




Les angiospermes dicotylédones

Angiospermes monocotylédones

Ptéridophytes et gymnospermes

Graines et fruits (akènes, caryopses)

Ecorces d'arbres et d'arbustes

Annexe - Principaux signes cliniques observés chez les animaux

Références bibliographiques

Liste des illustrations

Index des plantes citées


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Guide pratique

Published: 16 may 2011

Reference Book: 02237

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02237NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759209255

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759209262

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 140 x 245

Pages count Book: 312

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 312

Weight (in grammes): 470

Size: 58.4 MB (PDF)


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