Consequences of forest fires in the watershed of the Rimbaud

by Claude Martin (writer), Jacques Lavabre (writer)
Collection: Études Cemagref
january 2000
170 x 240 format Download after purchase
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170 x 240 format 176 pages Download after purchase
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In August 1990, a fire ravaged 8,400 hectares of forest and scrubland in the western part of the Massif des Maures (Var department, France) that consists of metamorphic rocks with a humid Mediterranean type climate. Research teams involved in the representative and experimental watershed (BVRE) of the Réal Collobrier studied the effects of the fire on plant cover, hydrology, agronomic characteristics of the soils, the chemical composition of water, solution exportations and mechanical erosion phenomena. This document presents an overview of this multi-disciplinary research that focused primarily on the gneissic watershed of the Rimbaud (1.46 km²).

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Irstea

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Études Cemagref

Published: 1 january 2000

Reference eBook [ePub]: CF5532EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: CF5532NUM

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759211661

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759207251

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 176

Size: 17.5 MB (ePub), 7.87 MB (PDF)


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