Marine Viruses

Mere Parasites or Major Players in Aquatic Ecosystems?

Collection: Enjeux sciences
january 2023
120 x 190 format 110 pages In stock
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Viruses continue to fascinate and frighten us, because of their pathogenic impact on plants and animals. In the seas and oceans, they are major players in the functioning of ecosystems. Viruses are the smallest, most abundant and most diverse biological entity known to date in marine environment, where they perform multiple functions. Besides their role in cell mortality and the redistribution of matter, viruses are also a powerful vector of evolution of their hosts and represent a major source of genetic diversity, providing an abundance of discoveries for basic and applied research.

This book aims to highlight an invisible biological community that is essential for understanding and explaining the functioning of the oceans. The authors, experts in the ecology and evolution of aquatic viruses, show how viruses regulate microbial ecosystems at the base of ocean food chains, and how their action could, if necessary, have an impact on climate. 

This book is intended for life and environmental science students, teachers, researchers and academics, as well as the general public interested in the subject of viruses and oceans. 

Table of contents

Un virus marin, c’est quoi en particulier ?

Sont-ils nombreux dans l’océan ?

Tous les organismes marins sont-ils affectés par les virus ?

Quels rôles jouent-ils dans les écosystèmes marins ?

Pourquoi s’intéresse-t-on à eux ? Applications concrètes

Quelles grandes questions restent sans réponses ?


Ouest France - Le 26/03/2023
« Les virus marins pourraient être nos alliés sous l’eau pour réguler le climat. »
>> Lire l’article

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Prix Roberval 2023
L'ouvrage Les virus marins est retenu dans la sélection du 36e Prix Roberval dans la catégorie "Enseignement supérieur".
>> En savoir plus


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Enjeux sciences

Published: 12 january 2023

Reference Book: 02864

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02864NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02864EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759235261

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759235278

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759235285

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 120 x 190

Pages count Book: 110

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 112

Weight (in grammes): 130

Size: 4.44 MB (PDF), 3.48 MB (ePub)


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