Stored Malting Barley: Management of Quality Using an Expert System

Reims (France), May 28-29, 2001

Collection: Les colloques
april 2005
160 x 240 format 320 pages In stock
43,60 €
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In order to meet the requirements of maintaining the quality of stored cereal grain, the development of a new type of expert system dedicated to malting barley was undertaken. This book is composed of five sections that include original contributions from European experts on stored grain science and technology. The different steps in the research and development process as well as the difficulties that were overcome during the construction of the prototype of a computer-assisted decision support system are reported. The conclusions define the potential use of such a system for maintaining the quality of stored grain up to delivery to the end users.
Public: Researchers, professors, teachers, students (agriculture and agri-food and-feed sciences), engineers and professionals of food industry, stored grain stocks managers.

Table of contents

- Introduction
- Predicting quality changes in stored grain ecosystems: feasibility of integrated qualitymanagement by an Expert System
- II
- Knowledge base implementation
- Drying, heating and their effects on dormancy break and germination rate declineVentilation de refroidissement de l’orge de brasserie à l’air ambiant
- Modelling germination changes during the storage of malting barley: dormancy and viability
- The development of Sitophilus granarius and Oryzaephilus surinamensis on malting barley and the implications for the quality of the malt
- Des moisissures aux mycotoxines : signification écophysiologique de marqueursbiochimiques de croissance fongique et prévision des durées de conservation sans risque de détérioration
- The fate and efficacy of pesticides applied to malting barley during storage and processing
- Quality aspects of the fumigation of malting barley with carbon dioxide and phosphine for insect disinfestation
- Rapid methods for quality assessment and monitoring
- Interest in rapid methods for the detection of mould spoilage on malting barley
- Relationships between the new rapid germination tests and conventional tests of germinative energy assessment
- Automatic acoustical surveillance system of grains in silos
- IV
- Developing the decision support system software
- QualiGrain: a decision support system for management and control of quality of malting barley after harvest
- Encyclopædia of malting barley storage
- Economics of storing malting barley
- V
- Validation of the DSS prototype and communication
- Farm-scale experiments to compare infestation and quality changes in malting barley stored at three moisture contents
- Validation of the DSS software
- Pilot scale experiments: malting barley drum-drying and storage
- Utilisation du système expert dans un silo commercial en conditions réelles
- VI
- Conclusion
- Futurs développements et nouvelles applications du SAD pour la préservation des grains stockés
- Contributors’ list


More contents


Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Les colloques

Published: 1 april 2005

Reference Book: C0101

EAN13 Book: 9782738011794

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 320

Weight (in grammes): 570


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