Génie génétique

A History, a Challenge

by Marie-Lise Spire (translation), Erwin Heberle-Bors (writer), Roswitha Judor (translation)
Collection: Mieux comprendre
january 2001
160 x 240 format 304 pages In stock
49,50 €
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What should we think of genetically modified plants? What does "patenting the living" mean? Is there a risk of my child having a hereditary disease? Do eugenistic threats exist? To all these questions and many more, this book bursting with information and examples provides elements of reflection. After a reminder about basic genetics, necessary to be able to understand what is at stake, it puts into historical perspective all the knowledge we have of this discipline whose recent progress totally transforms our vision of how living organisms function.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Mieux comprendre

Published: 1 january 2001

Reference Book: 01450

EAN13 Book: 9782738009708

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 304

Weight (in grammes): 560


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