L'office du Niger, grenier à riz du Mali

Economic Successes, Cultural Transitions and Development Policies

by Pierre Bonneval (writer), Marcel Kuper (editor), Jean-Philippe Tonneau (editor)
Collection: Hors Collection
january 2002
190 x 250 format 274 pages Download after purchase
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The real successes recorded by farmers in Mali in the Office du Niger area in the past 10 years or so were previously unheard of on such a scale in Black Africa. Development-oriented research has been supporting development operations in the zone for over 20 years. Malian and French scientists, amongst others, have accumulated valuable knowledge that sheds light on the transitions under way. This work is an overview of the research conducted and enables a novel voyage of discovery of this complex, profoundly human social situation.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 2002

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI860NUM

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759206698

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 274

Size: 35.3 MB (PDF)


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