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Main pests and diseases of cotton in sub-saharan Africa

by Jean Cauquil (editor), Maurice Vaissayre (editor)
Collection: Hors Collection
april 2004
120 x 210 format Download after purchase
9,99 €
120 x 210 format 68 pages Download after purchase
9,99 €
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This handbook is a practical guide to enable the rapid identification of the main pests and diseases affecting cotton crops in the cotton-growing regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Auxiliaries, which play an active part in natural equilibria, are also described. Certain incidents caused by natural or human factors are explained insofar as they might be confused with entomological or pathological disorders (lightning strikes, pesticide intoxication, nutritional imbalances, etc). However, the handbook does not make any chemical control recommendations. The lavish illustrations provide keys to identifying the symptoms observed. Pests and diseases are classed in order of their occurrence in the cotton development cycle: emergence, vegetative growth, reproduction. Information is also given on the biology of the pests concerned and of their natural enemies, disease transmission, varietal resistance and possible relations between the cropping system and the phytosanitary problems encountered.


The English version of this book, Main pests and diseases of cotton in sub-saharan Africa, is available on our website.

La version anglaise de ce titre, Main pests and diseases of cotton in sub-saharan Africa, est disponible sur notre site.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 april 2004

Reference eBook [ePub]: CI788EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI788NUM

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759214549

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759208302

Interior: Two-colour

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 68

Size: 10.1 MB (ePub), 6.08 MB (PDF)


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