1:100000 Scale Soil Map of France

Saint Étienne

by Jean-Paul Legros (writer), Michel Bornand (writer)
october 2007
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Several departments are partially covered by the 1:100,000 soil map of Saint Etienne: Isère, Drôme, Rhône, Loire, Haute Loire and Ardèche. The Rhone divides the sheet into two large natural regions in marked contrast to each other:
- on the right bank, the eastern limit of the Massif Central, a mountainous area with its altitudinal sequence of soils on crystalline rocks which are not found elsewhere in the Massif Central nor the French Alps;
- on the left bank, a complex of alluvial plains, ancient Rhone terraces and molassic and morainic plateaux, where the various stages in pedological evolution form an eponymous site for the study of the Quaternary in France.
The sheet memoir produced by Michel Bornand and Jean-Paul Legros is a valuable summary of the extensive work they have carried out.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Cartes et référentiels pédologiques

Published: 5 october 2007

Reference Sheet map: DIF02075

EAN13 Sheet map: 9782738012623

Format (in mm) Sheet map: [NR]

Pages count Sheet map: 0

Weight (in grammes): 630


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