Towards pesticide-free agriculture

Research and innovations in a future crop protection paradigm

by Florence Jacquet (editorial coordination), Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy (editorial coordination), Julia Jouan (editorial coordination), Edith Le Cadre (editorial coordination), Thibaut Malausa (editorial coordination), Xavier Reboud (editorial coordination), Christian Huyghe (editorial coordination)
Collection: Synthèses
march 2022
160 x 240 format 244 pages In stock
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The use of chemical pesticides is a major societal concern due to their negative impact on the environment and health. The French Priority Research Programme "Growing and Protecting Crops Differently", led by INRAE, has a structuring role in the evolution of scientific communities and in the emergence of scientific fronts enabling pesticide-free crop protection. The aim of this book is to explain the foundations of this strategy and the principles for action. On a course to pesticide-free agriculture, research is attempting to overcome current obstacles and produce breakthrough innovations in the biotechnical and socio-economic fields.

In addition to research, teaching and the agricultural sector, this book also targets actors in innovation, development and advisory services.

This book is available in English: Towards pesticide-free agriculture

Table of contents


(Philippe Mauguin)

Introduction.Research for pesticide-free agriculture: A disruptive framework today to buildtomorrow’s solutions

(ChristianHuyghe, Florence Jacquet, Julia Jouan)



Mobilising allactors in the agricultural sector



Chapter 1.Overview of pesticide use

(FlorenceJacquet, Julia Jouan)

Cropprotection: A historic lever for increasing agricultural production

Pesticide usehas become a major societal concern

From the 1990sto the present day: numerous but not very effective initiatives to reducepesticide use




Chapter 2. Whydo we need to change our crop protection strategies?

(FlorenceJacquet, Julia Jouan)

Pesticidedependency in agricultural systems: what are the obstacles to change?

IPM andorganic agriculture: two dominant strategies for avoiding pesticides butreaching their limits




Chapter 3.Agroecological cropping systems to reduce pesticide use

(Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy, Rémy Ballot, Anne Merot, Jean-MarcMeynard, Sylvaine Simon)

Growingwithout pesticides requires a radical change in the way agricultural practicesare managed

Existingagronomic solutions for reducing and eliminating pesticide use

Growingwithout pesticides requires a renewal of working methods and knowledgeproduction for agronomists




Chapter 4.Biocontrol(s) from a pesticide-free agricultural perspective

(Thibaut Malausa, Aura Parmentier-Cajaiba, Marie-NoëlleBrisset, Manuel Boutet)

Biocontrol: asingle term for a variety of crop protection methods

Dominantagricultural models influence biocontrol practices and research

Which researchand innovation priorities will be encouraged by the aim for pesticide-freeagriculture?

The importanceof diversifying business models in the biocontrol sector

Diagnostic,forecasting and decision support services at the heart of future strategies andbiocontrol business models?




Chapter 5.Developing species and varieties enabling the redesign of cropping systems

(Anne Laperche, Mélanie Jubault, Maria Manzanares-Dauleux,Matthieu Carof, Edith Le Cadre)


What are thechallenges for plant breeding in a pesticide-free agricultural context?

Avenues fornew breeding programmes

Integratingnew varieties into cropping systems




Chapter 6.Mobilising agricultural equipment and digital technology for pesticide-freecropping systems

(Xavier Reboud, Laurent Bedoussac, Vincent Cellier, StéphaneCordeau, Sylvain Delzon, Melen Leclerc, Julia Jouan)

Precision,autonomy and adaptability: key themes for agricultural equipment inpesticide-free systems

Digitaltechnology for extended epidemiological surveillance

Digitaltechnology for sharing, traceability and value enhancement of agriculturalproduction




Chapter 7. Political and organisational levers

(Pascale Bazoche, Alain Charpentier, Adelaide Fadhuile,Fabienne Femenia, Cédric Gendre, Benoît Grimonprez, Mourad Hannachi, FlorenceJacquet, Julia Jouan, Alexandre Sauquet, Julie Subervie, Sophie Thoyer)

Agriculturaldevelopment and training policies: how to provide farmers with the keys toalternative approaches?

Regulatoryinstruments: what role do they play in the regulation of pesticides?

Subsidisingalternatives to pesticides: how can we improve the effectiveness ofagri-environmental measures?

Taxationsystems: how can we make them acceptable?

Food productdifferentiation: how can we increase the interest in pesticide-free products?

Territorialcollective dynamics: how can we encourage coordination among stakeholders?





(ChristianHuyghe, Florence Jacquet, Julia Jouan)

Pesticide-freeas a new paradigm for research

Pesticide-free:an international issue that affects all stakeholders in agricultural andagrifood chains

Thinkingpesticide-free alongside other challenges in sustainable agriculture




List ofauthors


Revue française d’oenologie n°310 - mars/avril 2022
Un ouvrage recommandé dans la rubrique "OENO BIBLIO".
>> Lire l'article (PDF)

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Prix de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France
La commission de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France a décerné le Prix Jacques DELAGE 2022 à l'ouvrage Zéro pesticide.


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Synthèses

Published: 10 march 2022

Reference Book: 02817

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02817NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02817EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759233106

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759233113

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759233120

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 244

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 244

Weight (in grammes): 570

Size: 5.14 MB (PDF), 3.55 MB (ePub)


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