A plea for peat bogs

by Hervé Cubizolle (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
february 2024
160 x 240 format 176 pages In stock
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Peat bogs are are still relatively unknown wetlands. This book invites us to discover the peat bogs of the Massif Central highlands, the borders of Norway and Russia, Tierra del Fuego in Argentina, French Guiana, those of the Soufrière massif in Guadeloupe, the Azores, Central Europe and many others.

The author describes their origins, their history and their functions. He explains how human societies have used, and continue to use, the resources provided by these environments. It also describes the many ecosystem services they provide: refuge for biodiversity, regulation of flood and low-water flows, carbon storage, conservation of natural archives, heritage interest, etc.

Around 80 to 85 percent of the world’s peat bogs are still free from serious damage affecting their functioning. But their conservation management needs to be taken into account now, so that appropriate protection measures can be adopted quickly.

This book is the result of a desire to promote peat bogs to a non-specialist public curious about this unknown ecosystem. Wetland managers, students and naturalists will also find it of interest.

Table of contents



Introduction.Peat bogs: little-known ecosystems



1. How peatbogs function: water, the key element

An essentiallink with the water table

The role ofpeat bogs in the hydrology of catchment areas

Where are peatbogs in the world?

2. How peat ismade, or the birth of peat bogs

Incompleterecycling of organic matter

Minerogenic,ombrogenic, limnogenic: the origins of peat accumulation

Peat is also asoil, the Histosol

3. Theabundant but often discreet life of peat bogs

Peat bogs:exceptional biodiversity?

The flora ofpeat bogs

The fauna ofpeat bogs

4. Going backin time by sinking into the peat

Core drillingin peat bogs

How old arepeat bogs?

Peat tells thestory of landscapes and people



5. How dopeople use peatlands?

Cultivatingpeat bogs

When peatbecomes marshland

The many usesof peat

6. Degradedwetlands that can be restored

Peat bogsbetter protected but still under threat

Oftenreversible dysfunctions: restoring peat bogs

7. Why and howshould peat bogs be preserved?

Preserving theservices provided by peat bogs to society

Pending aninventory of France's peat bogs...

Management atall costs? How about leaving peat bogs alone?






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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 15 february 2024

Reference Book: 02924

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02924NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02924EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759238460

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759238477

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759238484

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 176

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 176

Weight (in grammes): 290

Size: 9.42 MB (PDF), 7.32 MB (ePub)


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