Living as a beaver

Histories and Stories of cohabitations and reconciliation

by Rémi Luglia (writer)
Collection: Hors Collection
april 2024
160 x 240 format 160 pages In stock
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Considered a "nuisance", the European beaver was close to extinction at the end of the 19th century. It was saved by innovative protection measures. Very few endangered species have made such a comeback, making the beaver a case in point.

However, its return to anthropized waterways raises the question of its cohabitation with humans. Its success varies according to social environment, places and times, and depends on both human and animal adaptations.

The beaver surprises us with its ability to transform its behavior and to modify its environment.

It consolidates and restores ecosystem functions, reinforces the ecological networks of wetlands and enhances biodiversity, all of which benefits human societies. His engineering talents bring new, nature-based solutions to amplify the resistance and resilience of socio-ecosystems in the face of accelerating environmental change.

In this book, Rémi Luglia tells the story of beavers and their lifestyles, their singular histories intertwined with those of humans, and how they adapt their behavior and environments. The author proposes a reasoned and sensitive path towards reconciliation between humans and other living beings.

This book is aimed both at academics, naturalists and river stakeholders and actors, who will find well-documented, thought-provoking material here. Nature lovers will also enjoy discovering a curious and endearing animal!

Read Éric Baratay's foreword

Table of contents



Introduction. Following the sensitive trail of beavers as historian and naturalist

The magic of the moment captured along the Loire

Naturalist encounters

A humanist journey alongside the living

From archives to commitment

Becoming aware of temporalities

Why and how to study beavers?

Studying the animal for itself

Beaver singularity

Inventing cohabitations

A study with a dual naturalistic and historical dimension

For a history of animal behavior

Being an endangered beaver


A useful beaver, once dead

A pest and hunted beaver

A rare and poorly regarded beaver

Becoming a protected beaver (1890-1940)

Patrimonializing a pest: a major innovation around 1900

Protecting Canadian beavers

From prohibition of destruction to habitat protection: towards the nature reserve


Reintroducing beavers in the 20th century

Remarkable population recovery still underway

France, between spontaneous return and reintroductions


A new beaver?

The builder beaver of Blois

Ethological surprises

The difficulty of believing in what you see

Are there too many beavers?

Reconciling uses through management or letting go?

Witnessing the ongoing sacralization of a certain wildness

How will humans accept it?

Renaturalizing with beavers

Ecological surprises

Restoring ecosystems with an engineering species

Renaturing and reconciling: towards a national action plan?

Conclusion. Is cohabitation possible?

A beaver that forces humans to question themselves

A beaver creating new worlds

Novelty in natural history

How others see us: the wisdom of humility...

Building the next world

Afterword. Sharing our territories with non-humans and other living beings




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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 11 april 2024

Reference Book: 02939

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02939NUM

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02939EPB

EAN13 Book: 9782759238842

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759238859

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759238866

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 160

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 160

Reading time eBook [ePub] :

Weight (in grammes): 290

Size: 23.2 MB (PDF), 3.76 MB (ePub)


  • De l'intérêt de cohabiter avec le castor, avec Rémi Luglia

    25 september 2024

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