Le lieu jaune (Pollachius pollachius)

Biology, Fisheries, Market and Rearing Potential

by Marc Suquet (writer)
Collection: Ressources de la mer
december 2004
160 x 240 36 pages In stock
13,90 €
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This work reviews data available in the literature on pollack. This species is only observed in N-E Atlantic and in the Channel. From 1979, fishing has been stabilized around 10 to 15.000 tonnes. In 1996, France was the first producer of pollack. However, this production decreased from 1989, as in many other European countries. Rearing attempts are rare and remain limited to France. The assets of pollack for aquaculture are numerous: a optimum at water temperature comprised between 12 and 18°C. First spawn and larval rearing attempts were encouraging. The flesh is of a good quality. However, the wholesale selling price is low (between 1995 and 1998: from 16.6 F/kg to 20.0 F/kg). A few data concerning saithe are added to this work. Because of its low selling price, saithe is not a good candidate for aquaculture. Data included in this work may interest researchers, students or industrialists but also all people interested in these species.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Ifremer

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Ressources de la mer

Published: 1 december 2004

Reference Booklet: RM0101

EAN13 Booklet: 9782844330581

Format (in mm) Booklet: 160 x 240

Pages count Booklet: 36

Weight (in grammes): 102


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