Rangelands of the Arid and Semi-arid Zones in Uzbekistan

Collection: Hors Collection
january 2003
160 x 240 format 432 pages In stock
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160 x 240 format 432 pages Download after purchase
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This abundantly illustrated book presents a panorama of the biodiversity, climatology and flora of the arid zones of Uzbekistan and describes around 150 dominant range species, with their ecology, utilization and range rehabilitation techniques. It should contribute to a better understanding of these little-known arid zones of Central Asia and to the conservation and rational use of their fragile natural resources.

Table of contents

Forewords 9

Preface 11


Introduction 15

The pastoral system 16


A brief physico-geographical and ecological presentation of Uzbekistan 21

The environment 22

Geology and geomorphology 22

Climatology and bioclimatology 26

Arid and semi-arid soils 35

Phytogeography 40

Current changes in land use, crop yield and livestock numbers 45

The flora and main vegetation types of the arid and semi-arid zones 50

Plant family contribution to the vegetation 50

Main vegetation types of the arid and semi-arid zones 53


Plant descriptions 87


Ecology, biology and economic importance of arid and semi-arid rangeland plants 275

Biological and life forms 276

Small trees and shrubs (microphanerophytes and nanophanerophytes) 276

Small shrubs (chamaephytes) 276

Herbaceous plants (perennials and biannuals) 277

Chemical composition, fodder value and palatability 278

Toxic and medicinal plants 280

Plants that may cause mechanical injuries to livestock 283

Seed characteristics and germination ecology 283

Seed morphology and germination conditions 283

Seed viability 286

Seed dormancy 287


Range improvement and rehabilitation in Uzbekistan 295

Collecting and evaluating the phytogenetic resources 297

Range improvement operations/establishmentand regeneration techniques 300

Land preparation and disturbance 301

Seeding time 302

Depth of seeding 303

Seeding rate 303

Expected improvement and production 305


Nature reserves in Uzbekistan 313

Reserves in desert ecosystems 315

The Kyzylkum reserve (sandy part) 315

The Karakul reserve (’zakaznik’) 320

The Ecological Breeding Centre ‘Dzheiran’ 320

Reserves of riparian forests and wetland ecosystems 322

The Kyzylkum reserve (tugaï part) 323

The relict riparian forest fragments of the Badai-Tugaï nature reserve 325

The Aral-Paigambar reserve 326

The Zerafshan reserve 327

Reserves in the mountain ecosystem 329

The Nuratau mountains walnut-fruit forests biosphere reserve 329

The Gissar reserve 330

The Chatkal biosphere reserve 332

The Kitab geological reserve 333

The Zaamin forest reserve 334


General conclusions 337


Maps 339

Bibliography 351

Uzbek glossary 368

Appendix 377

Index 405


More contents


Language(s): English

Publisher: Cirad

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Hors Collection

Published: 1 january 2003

Reference Hardback book: CI902

Reference eBook [ePub]: CI902EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: CI902NUM

EAN13 Hardback book: 9782876145559

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759214839

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759206735

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Hardback book: 160 x 240

Pages count Hardback book: 432

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 432

Weight (in grammes): 1012

Size: 87.4 MB (ePub), 10.9 MB (PDF)


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