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Complexite aleatoire et complexite

by Jean-Paul Delahaye (writer)
Collection: Sciences en questions
may 2009
[NR] format 76 pages In stock
8,60 €
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[NR] format 76 pages Download after purchase
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It is often said these days that complexity has become a fundamental problem in modern science, as it concerns each and every discipline, in a multitude of shapes and forms. Before such a claim can be confirmed, there are several questions to be answered: What is complexity? Is there a precise concept behind the word? What can mathematics tell us about possible formal definitions? What are the consequences and applications of work to find a theoretical definition?
These questions, which are answered in the book, will be of interest to mathematicians, statisticians, biologists and engineering students at French grandes écoles, but also anyone looking to understand the philosophy of modern science, one of the aims of which is to grasp the profound nature of chance and complexity.

Table of contents

Pre´face de Franc¸ois Rodolphe


Deux complexite´s ?

La complexite´ ale´atoire

  Pourquoi se ramener a` une suite de 0 et de 1 ?
  La de´finition de´pend-elle du langage de programmation choisi ?

Des exemples pour e´clairer la de´finition
  Une suite re´pe´titive e´le´mentaire
  Un milliard de chiffres du de´veloppement en base 2 du nombre p
  Une suite de chiffres au hasard
  Un exemple mixte

Le calcul et l'e´valuation de K(s)

Complexite´ relative et distance informationnelle

La complexite´ de Kolmogorov, mesure de la complexite´ ale´atoire

Premie`re tentative de de´finition du contenu en calcul

Deuxie`me tentative de de´finition du contenu en calcul

Troisie`me tentative de de´finition du contenu en calcul

Arguments favorables a` l'identification propose´e par Bennett

Autres ide´es et propositions





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Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Sciences en questions

Published: 14 may 2009

Reference Book: 02133

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02133EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02133NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759203208

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759207534

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759203215

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: [NR]

Pages count Book: 76

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 76

Weight (in grammes): 90

Size: 492 KB (ePub), 940 KB (PDF)


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