Les animaux d'élevage ont-ils droit au bien-être ?

by Robert Dantzer (with), Florence Burgat (writer)
Collection: Un point sur...
january 2001
160 x 240 format 200 pages In stock
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Productivist systems have brought about a profound change in animal living conditions: confinement, increased herd size, reduced surface area and early rupture of social links. What characterises the animal above all, namely being alive and sensitive, has not for as much disappeared. Consequently how can we avoid the question of the legitimacy of the treatments to which the animal is subjected in industrial farming? This joint-authored book updates the conceptions of animals which underlie such a system and questions the nature of research conducted on animal well-being. It also sheds light on the principal legal, ethical and philosophical issues which surround the status of animals.

Table of contents

Introduction Florence Burgat et Robert Dantzer


Le temps de l’élevage industriel

L’animal, machine à produire : la rupture du contrat

Le travail dans l’élevage industriel des porcs.

Souffrance des animaux, souffrance des hommes


Le bien-être animal : une notion équivoque

Les revendications des associations de protection des animaux d’élevage

Comment les recherches sur la biologie du bien-être animal se sont-elles construites ?

Bien-être animal : la réponse des scientifiques


Statut philosophique et juridique des animaux

L’animal sujet de droit ?

L’utilitarisme, les droits et le bien-être animal

L’anthropomorphisme : vraie question ou faux débat ?


Biographie des auteurs


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Inra

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Un point sur...

Published: 1 january 2001

Reference Book: 01448

Reference eBook [ePub]: 01448EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 01448NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782738009654

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759210855

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759202287

Interior: Two-colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 200

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 200

Weight (in grammes): 370

Size: 2.28 MB (ePub), 13.2 MB (PDF)


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