Biological Invasions, a Question of Nature and Society

by Martine Atramentowicz (editorial coordination), Robert Barbault (editorial coordination)
Collection: Synthèses
october 2010
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Les invasions d'espèces introduites causent des dommages à des degrés divers sur les écosystèmes en question et il appartient à la société de faire face aux conséquences. Comment prévenir les invasions biologiques? Comment évaluer le risque qu'ils représentent? Que peut-on faire pour contrôler les invasions actuelles? Conscient de ce problème, le ministère de l'Écologie a demandé à une communauté de chercheurs de disciplines variées de décrypter ces questions à l'aide d'approches biologiques, sociologiques et économiques. Bien que la réponse définitive aux problèmes posés par les espèces envahissantes dans les espaces naturels ne soit pas apportée ici, des progrès indéniables dans la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à ces invasions peuvent éclairer les décisions qui doivent être prises par les gestionnaires de l'environnement. Scientifiques,


The French version of this book,  Les invasions biologiques, une question de natures et de sociétés , is available on our website.

La version française de ce titre, Les invasions biologiques, une question de natures et de sociétés , est disponible sur notre site.

Table of contents

Éric Vindimian

Introduction. The ecology of invasions: old question, current news
Robert Barbault and Martine Atramentowicz
Historical background
The Invabio programme
A few lessons
In conclusion
1. Lessons from biological evolution: good and bad
Pierre Joly and Michel Pascal
What are biological invasions?
Building a niche
     Invader profile and biological trait analysis
     Biological evolution mechanisms
How is an invader's niche built?
     Differentiation – speciation
     Biological trait analysis
     Facilitation versus antagonism
Insularity-related issues
     Three aspects of the evolution of non-native species
     Invaders with or without parasites?

2. Impact on communities and ecosystems
Éric Tabacchi, Anne-Marie Planty-Tabacchi and Serge Muller
"Community" and "ecosystem" approaches
     Invaded ecological communitie
     An ecosystem-approach to invasions
     Towards an integrated approach?
And the maintenance of biodiversity?
     The invader's ecological position
     Decreased or increased biological diversity?
Invasions and ecosystem functioning
     The role of constraints: stress versus disturbance
     The role of resources
Invasion and ecological services
     Balancing use to the ecosystem and use to man
     Using invasions
     Conclusion: must we give in to uncontrollable invasions?

3. A human science approach to biological invasions
Sergio Dalla Bernardina
The relevance of human and social sciences
     New invaders, old scenarios
     Unconscious reactions
     Questions of perception
     The reasons and actions of social actors
     Social actors' reasons and actions
     Multiple perspectives in human sciences
     The aesthetic factor
     Naturalist knowledge (and ignorance)
     Flexible representations
     Network logics
     Perceptive variations
     Time is ticking: what are researchers doing?
     Controversy over knowledge
     The federating invader
     The ecological conspiracy
     The Midas reflex 
Describe or prescribe? 
     The centre and the periphery
     A half-happy ending

4. Can biological invasions be managed?
Alain Dutartre
     Defining the concepts
     Adapting management
     A general approach
     Biology and ecology of invasive species
     Causes of introductions
     Colonisation stage
     Impacts on ecosystems and environment uses
     Concrete response options
     Main monitoring characteristics required
     The French context
     The French situation
     Solutions to be found
     Defining response issues
     Should we intervene?
     Defining response aims
     How to respond? 
     Economic analyses yet to be developed
Management-research relations
Conclusions and prospects

Conclusion. The science of biological invasions… or the rediscovery of ecology
An overview in seven lessons drawn from Invabio
A few questions to be explored

Bibliographical references


List of Invabio programme research reports

List of authors


More contents


Language(s): English

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Synthèses

Published: 14 october 2010

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02217EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02217NUM

Reference Book: 02217

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759215928

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759208722

EAN13 Book: 9782759230365

Interior: Colour

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 182

Pages count Book: 182

Weight (in grammes): 330

Size: 9.72 MB (ePub), 30.4 MB (PDF)


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