Impacts écologiques de la chenalisation des rivières

by Jean-Gabriel Wasson (writer), Jean-René Malavoi (writer), Laurence Maridet (writer), Yves Souchon (writer), Léna Paulin (writer)
Collection: Études Cemagref
october 1998
170 x 240 format 160 pages In stock
30,20 €
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After a study of the physical impacts of river channelling, rectification and modification operations and their degree of reversibility, this document discusses the impacts on the ecological performance of the river ecosystem. The direct measurable consequences on fish populations are based on many American, European and French examples. A chapter is devoted to the presentation of a method for evaluating the ecological impact of development before it occurs, as a function of its characteristics and its position in the hydrographic network.

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Language(s): French

Publisher: Irstea

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Études Cemagref

Published: 1 october 1998

Reference Book: CF5028

EAN13 Book: 9782853625029

Format (in mm) Book: 170 x 240

Pages count Book: 160

Weight (in grammes): 322


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