La ville durable

by Nicole Mathieu (editor), Yves Guermond (editor)
Collection: Indisciplines
january 2011
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Innovation is often presented as one of the main catalysts for more sustainable and inclusive development. In the agricultural and food sectors, innovation is characterized not only by specificities arising from its relationship to nature, but also from the wide diversity of its stakeholders, ranging from farmers to consumers, and including intermediaries such as the research community and advisory services. Innovation emerges from interactions between these actors, who mobilize resources and produce knowledge in collaborative mechanisms in orderto generate changes. It encompasses domains as varied as production practices, market organization, and eating habits. Innovation is closely tied to major development challenges in its various forms: agroecological innovation, social innovation, territorial innovation, etc.This book casts a look atinnovation in agricultural and food systems. It focuses in particular on supporting innovation, by examining methods and organizations, and on evaluating innovation using different yardsticks. The book is based on reflections and research originating from various scientific disciplines, on fieldwork carried out both in France and in many countries of the Global South, and finally on the experiences gained by accompanying and supporting innovative actors. It combines theoretical contributions on innovation with iconic case studies to illustrate its observations and discussions.
This book is intended for teachers, professionals, students, and researchers.

The English version of this book, Innovation and development in agricultural and food systems, is available on our website.

La version anglaise de ce titre, Innovation and development in agricultural and food systems, est disponible sur notre site.

Will urban policies be influenced by sustainable development? And will sustainable development then bring about scientific innovation? Researchers and scientists in different fields attempt to define the notion of a "sustainable city", on the basis of their own experience, taking the many complex contradictions inherent in the term into consideration. Readership: scientists, engineers, urban planners and architects, decision makers, as well as university-level students and teachers.

Table of contents

Jean-Marie Legay

Nicole Mathieu et Yves Guermond

Partie I - La durabilité du côté du politique
Croissance contre développement durable. Les politiques des villes seront-elles modifiées par le développement durable ?
Pascale Loget
Du difficile usage du concept dans l'agglomération de Rennes
Anne Mévellec
L'introuvable ville durable
Dominique Couret, Anne Ouallet, Bezunesh Tamru
La ville durable : quelques enjeux théoriques et pratiques

Emmanuel Torrès

Métropole et développement durable : regard sur la programmation des villes canadiennes

Gilles Sénécal, Stefan Reyburn, Claire Poitras

Partie II – Du politique à la mise en œuvre technique

De la gestion durable d'une petite commune française : Chevry-sous-Le-Bignon

Richard Tomassone

La mise en oeuvre de la ville viable : une problématique d'action publique

Mario Gauthier, Laurent Lepage

Sociologie du compteur d'eau

Bernard Barraqué

La ville durable en quête de transversalité

Cyria Emelianoff

Partie III - Confronter l’utopie aux villes réelles. Pour une évaluation locale de la durabilité

L’insoutenable légèreté de la ville durable : la preuve par l’Inde ?

Alain Vaguet, Sandrine Brisset, Emmanuel Eliot

L’« urbanisme sauvage » comme modèle du développement urbain : le cas polonais

Bohdan Jalowiecki

La dimension territoriale des nuisances aéroportuaires

Bernard Barraqué, Guillaume Faburel

Pour une écologie spatiale urbaine

Yves Guermond

Partie IV - L’interdisciplinarité, une nécessité ? Premières pratiques en milieu urbain

La durabilité urbaine et la nature en ville : le besoin d’interdisciplinarité

Stéphanie Pincetl

Pratiquer l’interdisciplinarité pour gérer l’animal en ville

André Sauvage, Philippe Clergeau

L’habitabilité des milieux urbains : un objet au croisement des disciplines

Wandrille Hucy, Nicole Mathieu, Thierry Mazellier, Henri Raynaud

Appréhender la ville comme (mi)lieu de vie. L’apport d’un dispositif interdisciplinaire de recherche

Nathalie Blanc, Sébastien Bridier, Marianne Cohen, Sandrine Glatron, Lucille Grésillon

Liste des auteurs


More contents


Language(s): French

Publisher: Éditions Quae

Co-publisher: NSS

Edition: 1st edition

Collection: Indisciplines

Published: 10 january 2011

Reference Book: 02239

Reference eBook [ePub]: 02239EPB

Reference eBook [PDF]: 02239NUM

EAN13 Book: 9782759209200

EAN13 eBook [ePub]: 9782759215980

EAN13 eBook [PDF]: 9782759209217

Interior: Black & white

Format (in mm) Book: 160 x 240

Pages count Book: 286

Pages count eBook [PDF]: 286

Weight (in grammes): 522

Size: 7.9 MB (ePub), 9.44 MB (PDF)


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